For many people, the act of losing weight is not an easy task. If losing weight and maintaining your figure was so easy to do, everyone on this planet would have an excellent figure. As long as you are sincere with yourself, losing weight can be easier.
The more that you want to lose the extra fat that has clung to your body, the faster it will come off. This article is intended to help you understand how easy losing weight can be.
How Does the Body Lose Weight?
Before you start your journey to lose weight, you need to know the way that your body works. In knowing exactly how your body functions, you can understand how it gains weight. Whenever I see a patient that genuinely wants to lose weight, I give them a full understanding of the way that their body gains and loses weight.
We talk about the way that the body stores calories by turning them into fat. We then talk about the way that the body burns fat. This short explanation helps them to lose weight more effectively.
Our bodies need energy to stay alive. When people eat more than they should, their bodies start storing the extra energy as fat. Fat normally accumulates in the body in three areas. The three areas that the body stores fat is the belly, the hips, and the chest. This normally continues until a person is either overweight or obese.
Why Can’t I Lose Weight?
The reaction that your body can have from diet and exercise can vary. There are some people that can lose weight by only controlling their diet. Others might only have to increase their exercise routine.
This largely depends on a person’s BMR. BMR stands for basal metabolic rate. The faster your metabolic rate is, the quicker you lose weight. If you are doing everything in your power to lose weight, you might need to increase your metabolism to help give your body an extra boost.
For some, a trip to a nutritionist gives them the advice that they need to lose the weight.
Things to keep in mind
You need to work hard and stay diligent in your efforts if you want to succeed.
Be patient with yourself. Results do not happen overnight.
Keep challenging yourself.
Do not forget that you are going to be sore in order to build your body back up.
9 Things That Are Holding You Back From Losing Weight
Lack of Commitment
Commitment is important in any decision you make. Many people find it is easy to commit for a day or two. The real challenge is the week or even a month after. Making schedules to go to the gym are always a good idea. No matter what your weight loss entails, you must remain committed to succeed.
Zero Support
The support of your family, friends, and co-workers can be a huge help in keeping your weight loss on track. If you do not have this kind of support, it can be easier to give in to the temptations that will try to make you fall back into your old routine.
For people that have no one to support them, they need to support themselves. Having a healthy level of self-confidence and believing in yourself is crucial whether you have outside support or not.
Being Uncomfortable and Weight Gain
Environment plays an important role in the psyche of the person. The more comfortable you are in your environment, the faster you will achieve your goal. Being uncomfortable in your home or in your body can be a huge hurdle to overcome.
Lack of Motivation
Motivation always keeps you on track. If you want to lose weight successfully, you must keep yourself motivated. People who have no motivation fail to lose weight for any length of time. There are several different ways of keeping yourself motivated. The best ways of keeping your motivation are:
Thoughts of fitting in your favorite dress.
Keep in mind some images of your favorite celebrities.
Look at yourself in the mirror and imagine how you would look like in the body you dream of.
Inappropriate Diet
It might be difficult for you to control your diet. The truth is that you cannot lose weight without maintaining a healthy diet. An inappropriate diet is one of the main reasons that can keep you from losing weight.
Most of the people that fail to lose weight do so because they can’t stop themselves from overeating. In order to control your diet, you should:
Log your daily diet.
Calculate your daily calorie intake
Make a list of foods that you should avoid to maintain your success.
Sedentary lifestyle and no Exercise
It takes both exercise and moderate activity throughout the day to help the body to maintain a proper weight. When someone sits all day, they do not burn the calories that they are eating. This quickly packs on the pounds.
Stress and depression
Many of the people that suffer from depression or have stress in their lives will tend to gain weight. Researchers have shown that people will feel hungrier while in these states. This is largely due to the metabolic rate falling to a level that makes the fat accumulate. This results in an unexpected weight gain.
No Self-control
It takes self-control to keep yourself on a diet. There will be temptations that will try to pull you away from your goals. Improving your self-control is absolutely necessary to achieving your goals.
The Effects of Genetics
Some people are born obese. For these people, it will be more difficult to lose weight. This is not for a lack of effort, but a genetic predisposition to weight gain. Having good genes will increase your ability to lose weight.