There are many headache types. The main types of headache are the simple tension headache, which is the most common, a migraine with aura or without aura and cumulative headache. Each of these headache types has different causes and treatment. It is good to be able to identify the type of headache you may be experiencing so that you seek the proper treatment.
The headache is very common for everyone, but few are those seeking medical help. Usually they take a painkiller and give place to the pain. But this is the worst and most common response after speculation that this is something that often happens to everyone.
The headache is one of the most serious health problems that needs professional help and assistance and that is why they have created in most public hospitals and private clinics special sections called “headache centres”.
The consequences of such a situation, especially when it is chronic or prolonged, although it may not have a serious impact on our health, but can change so much the quality of our life. It certainly worth’s to devote some of our time to prevent or provide treatment for the headaches. Especially if we can deal with it in simple ways, just knowing what may have caused the headache and try to avoid it, and then to go to the doctor for further investigation.
Because headache has a direct impact on the vessels and nerves of the brain, any damage to surrounding areas that support our head, i.e. the face, the neck, the vertebral column, or in connection with the nervous system, muscular or circulatory system (pressure) can cause headaches. Thus, depending on the area or body function there are different headache types.
The different headache Types
Headache Types #1: The migraine headaches
This is the «female headache» since in this case the female hormones are the major cause (shown mainly in the menstruation) and is second in frequency. The first episodes of migraine are occurring in childhood or adolescence and can be characterized as hereditary headache, because 70% of patients mention that one of their parents is also suffering from migraines.
In this case there are two sub-types of Headache: the migraine with aura and without.
Migraine with aura or classic migraine
This headache types gives warning signs starting about an hour before the crisis. These may be visual disturbances such as flashes, difficulty in speaking and some minor hallucinations.
Migraine without aura or common migraine
The characteristics of common migraine headaches are several crises during the month, which can last from several hours to several days, pain in one side of the head, the patient has a tendency to vomiting and may not withstand the light and feel that the pain comes from something that is tightening the head on the right or left side.
How to avoid migraine headaches crises?
In both cases of migraine headaches you should avoid to work, stress and try not to get very tired. Coffee and soft drinks with caffeine (such as cola or energy drinks) are strongly prohibited as well as smoked foods such as salmon, sausages, cheeses, etc. Avoid also the consumption of alcohol and do not stay in areas with strong light or sunlight.
Headache Types #2: Tension headaches
This is the most frequent headache type. The pain is very intense and can be started from the front to reach the neck. The sense that someone with tension headache has is like a weight that presses the top of the head or a bandage that is tightening around the head or the feeling that your head is filled with something and you blow. Usually occurs after much fatigue due to work or physical activity, walking, insomnia etc.
How to avoid the tension headaches?
Tension headaches can be treated with relaxation techniques and common painkillers. Most often patients are convinced that the cause of headache is organic, they request from the doctor to make several tests and most of the times the results are negative. Tension headaches can be treated with psychotherapy and if the doctor deems necessary can also provide treatment with medication.
Headache Types #3: Cumulative headaches
This headache type mainly affects the male population and occurs after the age of thirty. The pains occur up to 8 times a day for 45 minutes and for periods of several months. Usually the pain is more on one of the two eyes and round the area (eye) is red and swollen.
How to avoid the cumulative headaches?
Obtain a medical oxygen device. The inhalation is the best solution since it can limit 50% of the crises.
When a headache is dangerous?
When the symptoms of the headache are not similar to one the headache types i.e. Migraine headache, tension headache or cumulative headache.
When the headache appears after the age of 50.
When combined with other symptoms of nervous system
When the headache occurs after years of taking any medication
Most people suffering from headaches wait for more than three years until they contact the doctor, even though the crises is affecting their personal and social life, according to a study presented at the 9th Congress of European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNS) held in Athens.
General advice on headache treatment without drugs
Drink enough water; you can also drop in a few drops of fresh lemon
Freshen your space especially in the winter that the house is not sufficiently ventilated
Make massage on soles and your temples
Do not drink coffee, energy drinks and cola drinks, especially light
What you need to be careful so that the doctor makes the correct diagnosis
Make note of the start time of the headache and when it happens (morning, evening, how often?)
The type of Headache is always the same or does it change from episode to episode?
The way it starts (and then slowly grow directly, etc.)
Frequency and duration of pain
Pain intensity and character (like a prick, etc.)
Occurs under certain conditions or related to a specific time?
You wake up with pain at night or during the morning
There is a history of chronic disease in the family
Improves with medication and how long after taking the medication
Are there warning symptoms (aura)?
Are there any other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc?
This article presented the different headache types and suggested some easy ways to identify the type of headache. In any case you should seek the advice of a professional doctor for the proper treatment of headaches.