Have you ever wondered what are the most common weight loss mistakes people do when they try to lose weight? What are they doing wrong and what you can do to avoid them.
This time, you were sure you started the right way. You had chosen a popular weight loss diet, you emptied your kitchen of snacks, chocolates and biscuits, giving it all to your neighbor’s son. You warned your friends, telling them not to invite you at a lunch for at least the next two weeks. You even bought digital scales in order to see with your own eyes one by one the pounds you will lose.
You were confident that within the next 15 to 20 days you could wear again the black dress you had bought five years ago.
You had it all perfectly planned but what happened and before you complete the first week you found yourself with a burger in one hand and an ice cream in the other? Why do you feel that you have failed? Or rather that you are generally a failure; what went wrong?
Find your motivation
Even if you didn’t realize it, you have made a series of mistakes that led you to forget your best of intentions. You may have organized it all in detail, but you did not consider the most important factor:
The belief that you want (and can) do something good for yourself. To feel good, day after day, in your own body. And not just for a few weeks or a few months, but for the rest of your life.
As emphasized by psychotherapists, failure is something that can be easily predicted. Weight loss diets that are aimed only to weight loss of two, five or even ten pounds cannot be effective.
You should realize that even if you manage to lose some weight, your self-esteem problems cannot be resolved. It is important to find the correct weight loss motivation: it’s only a way to regain your form, your desire to get moving, to do things, to get dressed without restrictions, to enjoy life.
Do not set strict targets
Try to resist the temptation to set strict and unreasonable weight loss goals. The weight is never lost in a homogeneous way, as it is influenced by many factors. Two characteristic factors in the case of women are the fluid retention and hormonal differences. So do not expect that you will lose 200 grams every day. Make your calculations on a weekly basis, not daily. And evaluate the results after one month.
The risk otherwise is to throw it all away thinking that since you cannot lose as much weight as you want , then you prefer not to lose weight at all.
Consider it a pleasure
Do not connect the word “diet” with the words “sacrifice” or “fatigue.” The status of starvation, tasteless food and endless hours on the gym is leading to failure. The word “diet” should remind you of change and well being, not just considering your weight, but mostly in lifestyle and in shaping a positive image of yourself.
All this requires time, effort, care and of course the adoption of new habits. Therefore, you might find it useful to make a meeting with a dietitian who will answer all your questions and will clear out any diet myths you might have in mind.
Avoid these 4 excuses
There are many excuses to spoil a diet. But the most common ones are the following.
1: I’m stressed
Do you have thoughts like “My life is already difficult; why I should torment myself further by counting my calories”? As the psychologists explain, stress has become the perfect scapegoat: it is attributed all the blame even if it’s not really responsible.
That means that if you are stressed, you persuade yourself that you cannot follow a diet, because this will be one additional factor of tension and frustration.
2: I don’t see results
This is the classic excuse used by those who want it all here and now. Nutritionists, however, explain that weight loss is not a mathematical science; how much weight you lose, how long, and when exactly, cannot be predicted.
But some reasonable assumptions can actually be made, in order to work the right way and see some results. Not only through the diet, but through changing our lifestyles.
3: I don’t have time to cook healthy meals
“My family is used to eating properly: I cannot cook every day different dishes for me and for them.” In fact, this is not necessary. You can use your diet to help all your family eats in a better way.
For example, if you reduce the amount of salt and fat in your cooking, this will certainly benefit your spouse, and your children, who will be familiar with a healthier menu.
4: I feel weak
“I need to eat, otherwise I will feel hungry”. As experts explain, it’s the extra weight that takes energy from us. If you feel exhausted after a few days, the most likely reason is that you follow a diet unsuitable for your needs.
A balanced diet should not leave you either hungry, or exhausted, but satiated and full of desire to do things.
To approach weight loss correctly read our guides below: