Drinking more than you can handle is never a good decision. Not only it can give you a terrible hangover stomach pain in the morning, but it can lead to other most important problems, like getting a DUI.
A DUI is the acronym for Driving Under Influence and for most people is one of the worse things that can happen.
When you are pulled over and you realize that you had a drink (or more) than you should, your behavior may change. The threat of getting arrested for a DUI offence can make you behave and do things that you don’t normally do.
So, to avoid the trouble and protect yourself from living this terrible and humiliating experience, follow our tips below.
Tip 1: Do the obvious: Avoid drinking and driving.
The best way to avoid a DUI is not to get yourself in a position where you will have to drink and drive. It’s common sense and although this is not actually a tip on how to avoid a DUI, it’s a measure that will work 100%.
That does not mean that you cannot drink when going to a party or gathering. Either do is wisely without drinking more that the allowed levels or have someone else to take you home (a cab or a friend).
It’s the simplest solution that will keep you out of trouble.
Tip 2: Don’t drink with an empty stomach
Drinking with an empty stomach is not a good idea. Instead, try to eat something before and while drinking as it helps spread out the alcohol in your system. Pretzels or other salty snacks are good options as well as lots of water and sport drinks.
See also: Best hangover foods
Tip 3: Keep your car in a good condition
The last thing you want to happen is to get pulled over because of a light out or some other issues with your car. Try to keep your car in a good condition and give no reasons for cops to pull you over.
Tip 4: Don’t break any other traffic law
While driving stay concentrated and follow all traffic laws. Use a signal light when changing lanes, wear your seat belt, stay below the speed limit and generally do everything by the book.
Tip 5: Make your ID, traffic license and insurance easily accessible
When you are pulled over for a routine check, the first thing that you will be asked is for the ID, driving license and insurance. Keeping those in an easily accessible place will speed up the process and also avoid any suspicion that you may be driving under influence.
Tip 6: Get to Know your BAC
Regardless of the acceptable BAC limits and DUI laws in each State, by knowing your BAC (Blood Alcohol Calculation) at a given time, can help you understand when to slow down your drinking and stay within the acceptable legal limits. You can use this online BCA calculator to find out your approx. BCA.
Tip7: Get to know the DUI laws of your State
DUI laws are different for each State. There are cases where you can be arrested for DUI even if you are sleeping in your car and not driving (if you have the keys in the ignition).
Knowing what to expect and what to do can prove very helpful especially in the case of a first DUI offense. A DUI arrest and conviction, is a very complicated and technical procedure and every detail counts.
Drinking alcohol is a habit for many people. Drinking in moderation is not bad and may have some health benefits but overdoing it, besides damaging your health, you risk into getting a DUI.
The process of being arrested and taken to trial for driving under influence, is something that most people characterize as humiliating and stressful.
The best ways to protect yourself from this awful situation are: to drink in moderation, never drink with an empty stomach, keeping your car in good mechanical condition and play by the rules.