Willpower, according Wikipedia, is the self-discipline required for personal improvement. It is the driving force behind your willingness to make things happen. Fortunately there are ways to improve your willpower and this is what will be discussing below.
1. Baby steps
Start with small and easily attainable goals rather than too optimistic targets. For example do not just say: “I will never smoke again” because if you fail to do so you will be disappointment which is not what you want especially at this stage.
A good first step, in this case, is to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke on a daily basis. Then establish a few days without any cigarette, days that you know you will be at home. At the end of this period you will see that you will be satisfied and happy because you made a step forward. So when we get together with friends and smoke one or two cigarettes, you will not have regrets because you know that you can have days without a cigarette, because you have done this before.
2. Accept the fact that everyone makes mistakes
If for some reason you encounter difficulties do not panic and don’t give up. Maybe you said you would eat a small snack and you end up eating the whole package, it’s not the end of the World. The right thing is to ask yourself is why. “What did I gain from this action? Did I felt calmer, more confident or happier?” A small slip is not the end of the world or the excuse to give up.
3. You make choices not decisions
Nobody forces you to do anything. You make a choice, not a decision. The decision means that there are no alternatives but a choice is something that you can always change it. Ask yourself: is this change important to you or you are doing it just to please others? Once you understand that you are responsible for your choices you will gain the strength to stick to your goals and achieve them.
4. Make it a habit
Willpower is not a secret that you should explore but a skill that you can learn, like any other. You just need to practice this. In order for your brain to get used to a new activity and turn it into habit, you have to repeat it every day for about 6 weeks. So after a while you start to feel proud of what you have accomplished and this will help you continue the effort.
5. Deal with fear
Leaving aside the willpower, all major changes are quite frightening. Fear can lead to procrastination, while you blame your will is not strong enough to achieve the goals you set. But it’s time to face your fears, to concentrate and make decisions. A strong willpower cannot help you, unless you decide to help yourself.
6. Love what you do
The stubbornness is not the only key to strengthen your willpower. You need to have motivation and vision as to what you want to achieve. If you are not passionate and love what you do then it will be very difficult to continue until the end. Your love for something can get you started but passion is what will keep you going.