Home workout can be as affective as exercising at the gym. What you get back from your home workout sessions is what you give in the exercise. This, of course, does not mean that in order to achieve the desired result you should spend countless hours each day exercising.
When exercising at home you should know that not all types of exercise bring the same result. Some home exercises are more effective than others; some seek to exercise multiple muscles, some to burning more calories. Regardless what is your goal there are several types of exercises you can do at home and a number of tips to follow to make your home workout more effective.
7 Tips for the effective home workout
1. Exercise with varying intensity
This practice can be implemented in walking as well as in other aerobic exercises and will help you strengthen your physical condition but also it will help you to lose weight fast. It’s also very simple to achieve, while walking, for a few minutes increase your speed and start running and after that go back to walking pace again. In aerobics accelerate a little your intensity of exercise and then relax again. These variations in intensity helps the heart to strengthen the pulses, your body to accelerate blood circulation and to oxygenise better, while burning more calories.
2. Better breathing better exercise
Psychologists insist that the various scents that invade our body through smelling may be particularly beneficial for the body and assist towards a more effective workout.
Studies has proved that smelling mint before you start running helps you breathe better and thus improving your running performance and stamina. The experiment was with 40 people that run for 15 minutes. Half of them smelt mint before running. The results proved that those who smelled mint managed to run for more time and needed less time to rest than those who have not smell mint.
So the next time you start your workout at home, do not wear your favourite perfume, but prefer a mint flavour body cream. If you choose to do something more intellectual such as yoga, cinnamon is said to be miraculous in helping you meditate and jasmine is very good to help you rest after any exercise.
3. Music can help you exercise better
There are times when music can be annoying while exercising, but it is proven that music can be very beneficial for some exercises, especially running. Scientists of Brunel University argue that when we listen to music while we workout, we increase our levels of strength by 13%! Some people use music to calm and relax while for others listening to music produces the exact opposite results. Music gives them more power and strength to work out harder. When exercising at home, select music that gives you more power and makes you feel like dancing and jumping. It is important to identify the kind of music that wakes your senses and start listening to music while you workout.
4. A few peanuts, please!
It is a little strange to see someone eating peanuts while resting from exercise, but the truth is that nuts are a rich source of protein, essential for proper functioning of muscles after the intensity of exercise. They also include carbohydrates and other necessary ingredients to help our body recover those lost during the exercise through sweat. With a few pistachios our body can recover from losses and receive all necessary supplies to be able to continue exercising. Do not forget the next time you start exercising at home to have some nuts handy, in addition they taste very nice.
5. The best time to exercise is in the afternoon
Maybe is more convenient to do your workout early in the morning before going to work, but scientists tell us that the best time for exercise is the afternoon hours. This is because the morning rates of the body are not in full alert as needed to make the exercise effective. The ideal time for healthy exercise is between 5 and 6 pm, the hour that the body is more flexible and muscles more ready to be exercised.
6. Proper selection of sports shoes can make the difference
For each type of exercise there are different types of athletic shoes. For example, if you intend to do jogging you cannot wear shoes you use for aerobic exercise. Choose the appropriate shoes for the exercises you are going to perform. The perfect athletic shoe should not be very narrow or very tight to your feet but at the same time should not be very wide and bigger than your feet. The proper size of athletic shoes should feel comfortable on your feet. Finally, do not forget to tight your laces, to avoid injuries.
7. Attention to hyperthermia and hypothermia
During the exercise, the body temperature rises. In conjunction with the high temperature of the environment you may suffer hyperthermia (dizziness, headache, difficulty orientation…). In this case, stop exercising immediately. To avoid, however, hyperthermia, be sure to consume enough water before the start of the workout. If again, you exercise in a place where the temperature is low, protect yourself from hypothermia by wearing enough clothes to keep you warm.
5 Exercises for the effective home workout
There are a number of exercises you can do at home. Not all exercises bring the same results. The 5 exercises below are the most efficient exercises for your home workout sessions.
8. Walking
Walking is perhaps the most important form of exercise. Exercise by walking can be done by anyone, anywhere, any time of the day. In addition walking is one of the best exercises for the heart arteries. Walking can strengthen the heart and also assist your body in burning calories. Walking is not only for «beginners», even the most athletic types consider the advantages of walking.
Walking is also good for maintaining and controlling your weight. Taking into account that when walking in a quick pace you can burn up to 500 calories per hour, you can assume that if a woman must take a day from 1,200 to 1,500 calories, with one hour walking a day she will lose – without reducing the consumption of food around two-kilos a month. Nevertheless, experts advise not to start walking one hour a day. Half-hour sessions, three times a week is good for beginners and you can slowly increase the time depending on your strengths.
9. Deep seats
The type of exercises that need power and strength are very important. The more fit you are, the easier it can be to burn calories. This is why it is suggested to perform exercises that workout many muscles at the same time, such as deep seats. More specifically, with deep seats you exercise your triceps, the tendons of the knee and buttocks. At the same time they help for the much better support of whist and back.
What is making this exercise a success is the way we do it. If we use the wrong technique, better not do it at all.
How to perform deep seats exercises correctly: For best results open feet in width of your shoulders and keep your back straight. Bend your knees and keep low the rear. The knees must remain above the height of the ankles for as much time as possible. In other words imagine, you sit in a chair, but without a chair. To help you achieve the correct position for deep seats you can use for the first time a chair. Deep seat exercises will help you make your knees stronger and thus avoid the pain during your daily movements.
10. Body weight lunge
As with deep seats, so the projection exercises all key muscles of the lower part of the body: Buttocks, triceps and knees. It is indeed an excellent exercise because it imitates walking, only to a bigger extend. The projections, however, are more intensive than the deep seats and help you also improve your balance.
How to perform body weight lunge exercises: Stand with your feet about hip width apart and take a big step forward. Lower your body so that your back knee almost touches the floor. Pause and then come back up. In the bottom position the shin of the front leg should be perpendicular to the ground. If the knee of the front leg is coming out over the toes then step farther out. This is very important for the health of the knee. The front knee should also be tracking over the front foot, do not allow it to fall in or out. Keep the torso upright throughout the course of the movement. After completing the set switch legs. For added resistance place a barbell on your back or grab a pair of dumbbells.
11. Push-ups
If done in the right way, push-ups are the best exercise for the upper body, exercising harmoniously chest, shoulders, triceps and muscles of the trunk alongside the vertebral column. It is, moreover, an exercise that responds to each type of trainee (beginner or not) and can be applied anywhere, with the hands to touch a table, chair or – the standard-on the floor.
How to perform push-ups correctly: Lay prone (face down) on the floor with hands resting under the shoulders. Push up with the arms lifting the body off the floor. You may move the hands slightly in any direction to make it more comfortable. Lower and repeat.
12. Crunch/sit ups
Who does not want tight, flat belly? Experts say that abdominal exercises – and their variations-if done properly can lead to the desired effect soon.
How to perform crunch/sit ups exercises correctly: Lay supine (face up) on the floor and bend the knees so that your heels are just in front of your butt. Cross your arms across the chest. Contract the abs to curl up lifting the head and upper torso of the ground. You may stop there or continue up until your torso is touching the front of your thighs. Lower and repeat.