“I will do it when I find time.” Does this phrase remind you of anything? We always have in mind a new project or idea we want to implement, but everyday life has a different view. Obstacles are all over the place and they naturally put the project of your dreams on hold.
There is a fact that you should never forget: Problems, distractions and difficulties never stop. Therefore, a job or hobby that needs your dedication and creativity should not be continually postponed. It is better to find ways to increase your effectiveness and creativity while coping with the hassles of daily routine.
Whether you’re planning for example to write a book, build a website, prepare a comprehensive proposal or presentation for your job, make a new painting or spend some time on an interesting new hobby, try to apply the following ideas to find time and adequate concentration to do it.
Prepare your daily schedule
You know in advance the ‘chores’ of the day, such as shopping, cooking, paying bills, housework, etc. It’s easier to create your daily schedule and devote some time for them so that from one point and then become ‘mechanical’. You will soon find out that once they become a habit your mind will have more energy to deal with your new project.
Get ready to deal with your new project or idea
If for example your new project is painting, organize a closet or a suitcase with the right tools. So when you suddenly find some free time or an opportunity you won’t have to spend half of it looking for the tools you need to get started.
Focus on one activity at a time
We have mentioned this before. It’s easier for your brain to deal with one activity at a time. You will become more productive and creative when working on one task at a time rather than trying to do many things simultaneously.
Work on your creativity project every day
If you neglect it obviously there will be no progress. Even if it is for a short time period per day, it will help you evolve the idea you are working on. One or even two pages for the book you write, editing an image for the artistic project that you are preparing, even those five minutes you devote to one aspect of your creativity every day can make a difference.
Don’t allow your inspiration to escape
Ideas and inspiration are the basic ‘fuels’ for your creativity projects. Do not allow your inspiration to escape: Always carry a small notebook specifically for this job or learn how to capture or record your ideas on your mobile phone. Do not miss a new idea that suddenly comes into your mind.
Study for your success
Read books, web sites, watch lectures and seminars related to your idea or project. This will help you learn methods and theories, which will increase your effectiveness in what you do. It’s also a very good way to find new ideas or aspects of your project that you can differentiate and do better than others.
Organize your minutes
As mentioned above, even 5 or 10 minutes are precious. What can you do in 10 minutes for your project? Your free time may not be continuous but dispersed in small doses throughout the day, so learn how to utilize it better. Prepare in advance and don’t spend your free time thinking what to do.
Creativity on the go
Take your creativity with you: Take advantage of each and every opportunity to work on your project. Download material on your mobile phone or tablet to read while on the bus. Have a small notebook to write down ideas, get a magazine related to your project for inspiration.
Get rid of distractions
In other words, turn off the TV, logout of Facebook, put your cell phone on silent and remove any distractions. Be committed on your goals and don’t waste time on things you can do later or are not so important.
Find you muse
You cannot become creative without having a muse. Find your inspiration sources or that spark that will keep you going. Many writers suggest that inspiration is something that can be trained but you have to insist until you find it.
Hang out with people that inspire you
Think about people from your circle who can positively affect your inspiration. Discuss your ideas with them and be ready to grab new ideas that may surface from the discussion. Socialize with them and get their feedback and support.