The fulfillment of your dreams is in your hand! Some people may do anything to achieve their goals while others give up with the first difficulty. Nobody is born with a successful life; even the great personalities of history chased a chance in their life following their dreams with passion and dedication.
What can you do to fulfill your dreams? These 10 tips can get you in the right path…
1. What’s your real motive?
Many of the greatest achievements in the world were made by insecure people, i.e. people who had to prove something to the society. They had such a strong desire for change and the word “failure” was not in their vocabulary. For example, Abraham Lincoln was a poor, illiterate boy, until he realized that he can do a lot more than that.
You need to understand your true motives and work when everyone else is asleep, be ready to make sacrifices and be committed to your ultimate goals.
2. There are no excuses
There are always two voices in our heads. The first tells us to work hard and concentrate on our work and the other to give up without a second thought. Stop looking for cheap excuses, beat your procrastination and look for opportunities that will bring you closer to your dreams. Do not forget that ‘when there is a will, there is also a way’.
3. Identify the true principles in your life
Everyone should know their true principles. One of the principles of Apple was to bring change in the world through innovation and it follows it until today. Determine what are the principles that guide you even in times when things are not going so well. Follow these principles at all cost, without making ‘discounts’ in your life.
4. Insist when others resign
Nobody knows when it will fulfill a dream. It may be tomorrow or ten years from now. You should never give up your dream. This is the difference between people who have succeeded in what they are doing and those who have not manage to do anything worth mentioning until now.
Just consider the fact that many people are recognized for their achievements after their death! Nobody knows when it will be the time to get what you deserve but at least you know that you have not given up your dreams.
5. Risks can take you to the top
Without taking risks, there is no reward! Those who have succeeded in life took a lot of risks to get there. Talent is not enough; you also need to take risks and be ready to change your life and search for something better.
6. Money is not your motive
Money can be an incentive, a reward, but should not be considered your only motive. When you work hard for the sole purpose of making money you may succeed but you will not feel complete! The fulfillment of dreams does not mean a good salary, instead if you work hard and achieve your dreams the satisfaction to your soul is more valuable than any monetary reward.
7. Work from early morning to late evening
Without hard work you cannot fulfill your dreams. This, of course means that you need to find a balance between work, family and sociability. If you are to succeed, you must be “addicted” to your dream and be ready make short term sacrifices for long term success.
8. ‘Study’ can get you a step closer to your dream!
Mike Tyson was not a sports guy, but became what he is through a lot of practice! He watched all the movies related to his sport and worked his technique and succeeded. What is the take away from Tyson’s story? If your dream is to become a writer then read lots of books, and if you’re in marketing then study everything about sales. Don’t expect that you will magically know everything without making effort.
9. Exercise to fill your brain with energy
If a car has no fuel, it cannot move! So is our body with energy. The more we have, the easier it is to improve the quality of work and our endurance. As stated by Richard Branson: «The key to success is fitness. This is the only way for blood to circulate quickly in our brain and concentrate more effectively on our dreams“. Put exercise into your life and increase your chances for success.
10. Do the right thing for yourself
We all have our moments of doubt and denial. The really successful people though believe strongly that they are doing the right thing for themselves. Even if they spend a few days full of worries, they know that have tried with all their might for their dream. We must never let the doubts take over your life and drive you away from your goals.