When it comes to digestive health and the best foods for that, it will be good to think that if the food you eat doesn’t cause any irritating symptoms, then is good for your digestive system.
Talking about good digestion, it is worth to note that good digestion starts from the moment you start eating a food. Specifically we are talking about the foods that make this process easier.
The best nutrient for digestive health
According to nutritionists and health professionals around the world, fiber and probiotics are the most important nutrients for good digestive health.
People must consume approximately 20-35 gr. of fiber per day according to RDI values. This amount is found in six to seven servings of vegetables and fruits. Also, this amount can be found in approximately five servings of whole-meal grains.
The 10 best foods for digestion
Due to its high content of the good bacteria lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, yogurt can keep your gut in healthy balance. According to studies, probiotics found in foods such as yogurt can alleviate lactose intolerance. To even increase the action of probiotics of this food you can add fruits on top, for extra taste and fiber intake.
This food is rich in pediococcus, lactobacillus and leuconostoc. These nutrients are probiotics as well. If you are eating sauerkraut, choose the unpasteurized one since pasteurization destroys the healthy and useful bacteria. This food is also packed with vitamins which may protect you from infection.
Soft cheeses
Research has shown that the lactobacillus found in cheeses is very beneficial for your gut health. Specifically, this probiotic, can survive through digestion in contrast with other probiotics that are killed during the journey of digestion. Lactobacillus can ease digestion and absorption of food. Furthermore, soft cheeses like gooda may also act as a carrier for other probiotics which may further benefit your immune system.
Kefir is fermented milk drink that origin in the Eurasia’s Caucasus Mountains. This food is made from cow or goat’s milk with kefir grains. As a thick and smooth drink, kefir has its own kinds of probiotic bacteria that can help with your digestive health. In addition to that, kefir incorporates a few beneficial yeast assortments.
Sourdough type of bread
This type of bread is made by a long fermentation of dough using natural lactobacilli and yeasts. When compared with other breads, sourdough bread has a slight sour taste due to the lactic acid produced from the lactobacilli. However, this probiotic has the potential to benefit digestion and overall gut health.
Milk fortified with probiotics
Consuming this type of milk is one of the easiest ways to get the probiotics you need from your daily food. This kind of milk has been fermented with healthy bacteria. Lactobacillus acidophillus is the most common probiotic found in this type of milks. Another derivative of milk fortified with probiotics is buttermilk. This kind of milk is also rich in probiotics due to its high content in lactic acid bacteria.
Pickles packed with probiotics
If you are buying pickles packed with probiotics, opt for those that have been naturally fermented and where vinegar was not used during the production process. The salt and water included in the jar of pickles encourages the development of the healthy bacteria and can give pickles the digestive benefits you are looking for.
This food is made from soybeans that have been fermented. Tempeh origins in Indonesia and contains a natural antibiotic that fights certain unhealthy bacteria in your gut. Furthermore, tempeh is a food rich in protein and vitamins.
If you have never tried it before and you are wondering what is the taste like, then I have to tell you that its flavor can been described as meaty, nutty and smoky. Some people replace meat with tempeh due to its taste and source of protein.
Supplementation with probiotics
Although probiotics can be found in foods, some people prefer to choose supplements instead. Probiotics are available in supplements in the form of powder, tablets and capsules. However it is worth to note that these supplements cannot offer the same nutrition values as food can. They can be simply more convenient though.
If you would like to add a probiotic supplement to your diet, refer to your doctor. For example, if you have immune system problems, then you might be advised to better not consume this type of supplements.
Alongside with probiotics, come the prebiotics. While the former contains live healthy bacteria, the latter is needed to feed those bacteria. Prebiotics can be found in a variety of foods such as bananas, honey, asparagus, oatmeal, legumes and vegetables. Make sure to add prebiotic foods to your diet to give a boost to your probiotics and lead to an optimum level of a healthy digestion process.