Many people “swallow” their feelings, driven by their low self-esteem and ego, while some demand from others to guess their feelings…!
Even if you’re trapped, frustrated or upset, express yourself freely in your own way! You may worry about the conflict with the people close to you or about rejection and may not be able to admit that you are being overwhelmed with envy, anger or stress.
Most people are driven towards the phenomenon of the “ostrich” … in other words they prefer burying their head under the sand, rather than dealing with a problem in their relationship, work or life!
The following tips will help you to release your emotions and feelings better and without fear.
Think about what you feel exactly… without wriggling!
When you specify exactly what you feel through one or two words, then you will leave the ambiguities behind and you will have greater ease in expressing your feelings, thoughts and emotions.
Be careful because many people misinterpret their emotions, i.e. after a difficult period they think that they feel anger, when in fact they feel pain. The next step is to understand the level of your emotions, in other words, if you are actually or slightly upset or slightly annoyed.
Find the cause of your emotions
Identify the reason and the pretext behind your emotions. Perhaps you have recently split up or fired from work? Once you have determined the extent to which they affect your life, then you will be able to see the situation more objectively and to reduce the potential misunderstandings.
Find out which things annoy you in a relationship and try to concentrate on those, so as to express them in the right words and expressions.
Express yourself through writing or drawing
You do not need to become a Shakespeare, but you can express yourself through writing a poem, a short story or a letter describing your feelings.
In addition, you can draw, but without restricting yourself to some standard images. Draw something that exists exclusively in your mind, even if it is abstract. Don’t forget, that art is the expression of yourself!
Express your anger … through exercise!
Especially if you’re angry, the best solution is physical exercise that will release your repressed feelings. Choose a physical activity that doesn’t harm yourself or someone else, and express your anger through strength.
For example, baseball, kick boxing, jogging and tennis are some of the sports that can “clean up” your mind, even if it is momentarily! (See also: 7 ways on how to manage anger)
Talk to someone you trust
Find someone you can trust your feelings to. If you are not in a position to discuss … write them a letter or an email. You can be sure that you will feel immediately lighter mentally and you will be able to hear a piece of advice.
If you don’t have a trusted friend or relative, talk with a consultant or a psychologist to help you overcome the difficulty in communication.
Cry or laugh
Crying can actually heal a wound, since it is an expression of sorrow. If you’re the sort of person who does not cry easily, try to watch a sad movie, allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by feelings.
The same thing applies to laughter … so laugh your heart out without any holding back! After this outbreak you will feel much better and you will have made a big step towards expressing your feelings.
Describe your feelings in detail
Express your feelings in full detail, rather than implying things!
Try to clarify exactly what your problem is and where it stems from … but without giving ultimatums.
Express yourself honestly and remember that self-esteem plays an important role in how you act.
Refer to your difficult feelings in a way that minimizes the need for the other to have a defensive position.
Don’t be judgmental and say exactly what you want to happen. Try in your own way … to put the other person in your shoes!