Do you know that there are vitamins which seem destined solely for female use? Those are the vitamins in group B, each of which contributes to enhancing women’s health, well-being, beauty and fertility.
Vitamins in group B are proving to be beneficial for all women. Adolescents may bet on them in order to combat these unsightly skin disorders presented at the years before adulthood, women in their thirties can boost with these their fertility levels increasing their chances to make the great dream of motherhood come true, while older women can benefit in order to calm the disturbances associated with menopause.
B1 (THIAMINE) – To Relieve from Premenstrual Syndrome
Vitamin B1 or thiamine is very important for the nervous system, since it contributes in maintaining the health of the nerves. More specifically, it fights the weakening of many tissues, and that is why lack of it can affect the mental mood causing a disturbance of the nervous system.
For women who suffer from mood disorders, which are related to the fluctuation of hormone levels during their menstrual cycle, it is very important to enrich their diet with foods that contain vitamin B1.
An adequate dose of thiamine relieves the classic symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, which generally make their appearance approximately 6-7 days before the coming of menstruation.
These symptoms include pain in the chest and abdomen, slight increase of body weight, swelling all over the body, mood disorders (such as irritation, feeling of fatigue, depression and cyclothymia).
Which foods contain vitamin B1?
To get the maximum benefit from vitamin B1, you should consume beer, liver, fish, wholemeal bread, milk and its by-products, legumes and meat, especially beef. The daily recommended dose of thiamine is 1.3 -1.5mg.
B2 (RIBOFLAVIN)- To erase the marks of time
B2 is a valuable vitamin especially for younger women who are trying to maintain a healthy and beautiful skin. Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is able to fight the action of free roots, which accelerates aging. This vitamin is beneficial for:
- the skin, since it prevents premature formation of wrinkles and the appearance of dryness in the area of the face and neck
- the eyes, keeping away possible impairment of vision and disturbances such as conjunctivitis, cataract and intolerance to light
- the hair, which in the event of shortage of the vitamin, become dull, fragile and with a tendency to fall
- the nails, which it strengthens and protects them from breaking.
Which foods contain vitamin B2?
Significant quantity of vitamin B2 is present in eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt, fish, meat, wholemeal bread, cereals, mushrooms and yeast beer. The daily recommended dose is 1.4 -1.6mg.
B3 (NIACIN) – For good blood circulation
Vitamin B3 or niacin is important for the female body, thanks to the beneficial properties it possesses for blood circulation. More specifically, this vitamin is able to reduce blood pressure, to relieve from swelling in the lower limps and to prevent any cramps and pain.
Not accidentally, the first symptoms for the lack of B3 are muscle pain and fatigue. Especially if your work requires many hours of standing and as a result you often suffer from a feeling of heavy legs, make sure there is ample vitamin B3 in your diet.
Which foods contain vitamin B3?
Niacin is contained in many foods and more specifically in cereals, mushrooms, potatoes, fish, liver, wholemeal bread, beans, lentils and yeast beer. The daily recommended dose is 18 -20mg.
B5 (PANTOTHENIC ACID) -To get rid of the stress and skin disturbances
Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is considered to be an excellent anti-stress substance. It is essential for the correct function of adrenal glands.
If you feel particularly tired, irritable and stressed, it is very likely that you suffer from a momentary lack of this vitamin.
B5 among other things can improve the health of your hair, preventing splitting ends, frizz and hair loss. It keeps your skin healthy and elastic by protecting it from wrinkles formation, spots but also from acne.
It can also help fight constipation and stimulating bowel mobility.
Which foods contain vitamin B5?
To ensure high-dose of vitamin B5, all you have to do is consume beer yeast, liver, eggs, meat, fish, wholemeal bread, cereals, dairy products, mushrooms, beans and lentils. The daily recommended dose is 5 -10mg.
B6 (PYRIDOXINE) -To sooth the nausea of pregnancy
Along with folic acid, vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is one of the vitamins in group B which contributes greatly to the health of women during pregnancy.
Its high concentration in the body seems to sooth the nausea and the vomiting during pregnancy, especially the first three months.
And not just that: the consumption of food rich in vitamin B6 is also recommended for women who make use of birth control pills, since this vitamin has the capacity to sooth the symptoms of mental disorders related to taking the pill, such as the irritability, melancholy and cyclothymia.
In addition, vitamin B6, as well as magnesium (metallic element that contributes to the health of the nervous system, preventing chills, aches and fatigue), prove to be valuable for the pains and cramps that afflict many women during menstruation.
Which foods contain vitamin B6?
Vitamin B6 is mainly found in beer yeast, the grain of wheat, fish, meat, liver, beans and lentils, bananas, cheese, cauliflower, wholemeal bread, eggs and cereals.
The daily recommended dose is approximately 1-6mg a day, but pregnant women and women who use birth control pills should take 8mg.
B8 (BIOTIN) -To keep your hair thick and healthy
VITAMIN B8, also known as vitamin H or biotin, plays an important role for the health of the hair. The lack of it may result in the weakening of the scalp.
Among the other benefits to the body, it improves the look of the skin, since it fights the dryness and prevents wrinkles, soothes insomnia disturbances and offers you a great feeling of liveliness and strength, fighting fatigue.
Which foods contain vitamin B8?
Vitamin B8 is mainly found in liver, dairy products, mushrooms, egg yolk, chocolate, apricots, beans and meat. The daily recommended dose is -100 -1.6mg.
B9 (FOLIC ACID) -To have a healthy baby
Countless scientific studies have confirmed that if a woman does not receive a satisfactory dose of vitamin B9 during the first three months of pregnancy (and especially the four weeks before and after the conception), the baby runs an increased risk to present late development and malformations in his brain.
Therefore it is important that all women who want to have a child should start in advance consuming foods containing folic acid or take supplements of vitamin Β9.
Even during breast feeding, experts recommend taking increased dose of vitamin Β9. Besides that, this vitamin is valuable for improving the mood, maintaining flexibility of the skin and fighting anemia.
Which foods contain vitamin B9?
Folic acid got its name by the word “leaf”, since it exists in high concentration in leafy vegetables.
Therefore food containing vitamin Β9 are: spinach, watercress, carrot, cucumber, fruit, liver, beer yeast, cheese, eggs, wholemeal bread, meat and fish.
The daily recommended dose is 200 mg, but for pregnant women the dose is at least 400 mg and for those that are breastfeeding 300 mg.
B12 (COBALAMIN) -To enhance your fertility
Some cases of unstable menstrual cycle may be due to a certain extent to a lack of vitamin B12, or otherwise cobalamin. This substance has a key role in the process of reproduction, since it acts on the DNA and RNA.
In addition, vitamin B12 is proven beneficial for the prevention of anemia, intervening in the formation and the renewal of red blood cells. It is also good for the fight against mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and sorrow, playing an important role for the proper functioning of the nervous system.
Furthermore, it improves the levels of concentration and memory and rectifies the damage to the cornea of the eye.
Which foods contain vitamin B12?
Vitamin B12 is present in many foods of animal origin, such as liver, fish, shellfish, eggs, meat and dairy products.
For adults, the daily recommended dose is 2 – 5 mg, while for pregnant women the dose is increased to 6-8 mg.