Positive thinking is an art that can help you manage your life better. There are ways to learn how to start thinking positive. Positive thinking is not something that will fall one day from the sky but it needs effort and skills to be able to achieve it. By thinking positive you will place you self in a position that will allow you not only to manage your life better but it will also help you to raise your self-esteem and self-confidence.
The power of positive thinking
Have you ever wonder that the thoughts that pass through our minds are responsible for everything that happens in our lives? What we think is essentially what we live. The way we think affects our behaviour, our emotions, and our mood; how we see things, the way we act and react in our environment.
So what is happening in our minds is our life itself! With the power of positive thinking and as soon as you start thinking positive your self-confidence and self-esteem will improve and everything will seem easier.
The power of the mind is the second strongest tool we have, after the power of the soul, which can in many situations give us even superhuman willingness or superhuman powers (e.g. in case of danger).
Our thoughts have the attribute to pass and be stored in our subconscious, which can affect our behaviour and our reactions. Our thoughts have also the ability to enter the subconscious of others around us. The thoughts we share with other people are predisposing them positively or negatively towards us. They can create feelings of love and respect or feelings of anger. Our thoughts create action and reaction not only in our mental world but also in the world around us.
Have you ever wonder how can we make radical changes in our lives? The change in our lives is possible only when we can control our thinking, to filter the negativism and to show only the positive and beauty contained in our life. This is the power of our mind!
10 Ways to start thinking positive
1. Start thinking about success
Create in your mind an indelible image of yourself as a successful person. Keep this strong image within you, and do not even allow it to fade. Over time, this picture will evolve within you and the details will be stimulated. You must never challenge the reality of this intellectual image because it will be dangerous. Your mind will also try to fill the gaps in what was originally imagined. Always have in your mind the success regardless of how bad things seem to be at the moment.
Each time that invades your mind a negative thought concerning your personal powers and abilities, deliberately start thinking of something very positive to counteract.
2. Bypass your obstacles and fears
Do not build your imagination with obstacles. Instead, try to minimize any potential problems. The difficulties must be studied and be treated effectively in order to be eliminated, without giving them more power than they really have. Fear often exaggerates the difficulties and «hides» their true dimension.
3. Transform your thoughts into images
Think of your brain as a playback unit. The images are coming from our thoughts, often taking shape in our minds and frighten us, or give us the power to be creative or inspire us or make us dream.
Negative thoughts create negative images and hence negative reactions. The same happens with positive thoughts that make exactly the opposite and work for our benefit. To start thinking positive you have to create these positive images in your mind and take advantage of the inspiration and creativity they will create.
4. Do not get impressed by other people
This is the most important advice. Do not be impressed by other people and do not try to copy them. Nobody can be as effective as you in your own life. Remember also that regardless of how dynamic and successful one can seem, often they may have the same lack of self-confidence and they may be afraid the same as you.
5. Get to know your self better
Get to know your self better. Find what is causing your inferiority or your fears and misgivings. It is likely these negative feelings of you to stem from childhood and from early age. You may need the advice of a specialist to help you understand why you feel and behave in a particular way. Try to understand your self better, which is the first step in managing your life better.
6. Make a realistic assessment of your skills
Make a realistic assessment of your skills and then increase that by 10%. That does not mean that you will become selfish. Instead, you must believe in the forces and means to create a rock solid sense of your self. Only when you believe in your self you will be able to start thinking positive.
7. Turn positive thinking into creative thinking
Turn positive thinking into creative thinking. Positive thinking alone will not help you. What you need apart from positive thinking is creative thinking. Creative thinking is about planning, designing and setting goals for the future. Starting from simple, everyday things you have in your daily schedule. This can be the first step to organize your thinking on how to implement the things you have to do.
Also the power of creative thinking, besides the benefits it can bring to us, can also be used as a positive influence for those around us. We can inspire them; give them incentives, energy and vision. Thinking creatively is something that we can train ourselves to do. It takes time and effort but when we achieve it we will be able to manage our life better.
8. Use your time efficiently
Start transforming thoughts to actions. Try and find ways to simplify and facilitate your daily obligations, which would result in savings of your valuable time that is needed for your personal improvement.
9. Solve your everyday problems
Focus to solve some of the operational problems of everyday life and then direct the power of your positive thinking to try and shape the next steps in your live, your personal relations in your career and your family.
10. Do not stop dreaming
Dream! The power of thinking can take you to some great moments that made you happy…it can magically transfer you to the beach as if you were on holiday! It can transfer to you sounds, colours, smells and people.
Dream now what you would like to be in your life, your relationship, your work and think about it intensely with as many details as you can. This thought makes you feel beautiful? This thought gives you incentive to try to get to the point that you dreamed? Yes! You must do this every day thinking, again and again and again!
So, install a new operating system in your brain that will make you start thinking positive. This will ignore the fears and will not convert them into images, will ignore the bad thoughts about possible failures and transform them into a big picture of success and self confidence.
You’ll see that with time your life will become more beautiful and will approach the life that you dreamed about and also your behaviour will become more effective and more acceptable to your environment.
Fight against the evil thoughts from their roots and do not leave them reach the surface. To start thinking positive is in your hand … or rather in your mind!