Thinking positive is the key to your success. All successful people have one thing in common: Positive thinking and passion for what they are doing!
Watch the successful professionals and try to understand their dedication and sacrifices they do in their effort to reach that point that will bring them professional recognition. All the major successes start from a simple idea and if there is real desire and positive thinking then they become a reality…!
Many of the ideas may temporarily give us incentives to try them but few of these ideas can keep our desire for success at high levels in order to overcome the obstacles that are found in the way.
Take for example our personal goals and objectives regarding our career, personal life, education, our looks etc.
How committed we are to achieve these goals?
Do we set goals but we give up when things are difficult?
Are we getting enthusiastic with an idea, which bursts on the road and cannot ever be converted into real objective?
How can we keep this enthusiasm and desire for success until we meet our goals?
Always think positive and believe in your abilities
The difference of people that remain enthusiastic and loyal to their goals is simply that they know they will achieve their goal, they do not hope, they know it. They always think positive about achieving their targets and they do not leave a negative thought to pass their minds, not even for a moment.
They do not give up easily but fight to the end regardless of obstacles or difficulties that they encounter. For them dropping their goals is not an option as there is no sacrifice large enough so as to prevent them from achieving them. These people if they do not find a way to achieve their goals, then they create one!
What is the origin of this passion – this ceaseless desire – for success? Perhaps these are talented people and all different from us? It may seem strange but each one of us can cultivate inside our minds the flame of success that will help us to concentrate in our targets. In order to achieve this you have to approach life in a positive way. This is the first and most important step for success. If you are not optimistic and a positive thinker then the chances that you will meet your goals are minimum, even if you try all the available techniques. Thinking positive will show you the way for success.
Set clear and precise goals
To be able to achieve a goal, you first have to define one! Setting clear and precise goals is a very important step in the whole process. If you do not take the decision and set a target then clearly there is no way to be able to achieve it.
If for example, you decide to lose weight you should throw all the unhealthy food from home until you achieve your goal. You can set a bet with friends or your family. After announcing your decision, you can agree with them that if they see you neglecting your diet then you would have to buy them something that really expensive!
In short, you should burn all the “bridges” that can help you escape from your goal. If you put your self the illusion that there is no return from this target, then you will fight with all your forces to achieve it. Thinking positive that at the end you we will be able to achieve your goals will help you work towards the right direction.
Be reminded and informed
You should remind your self constantly about the goal and your desire for success. If you want to lose weight you can stick on the refrigerator door a picture of you in which you were thin. If you are to achieve a business target then you should plan your next steps and put the diagram at a point where you can see it continually.
Everyone can find their own ways to get reminded of their goals and the reminder is important and necessary because it wont allow you to be carried away and forget what you want so much to achieve. In parallel, you should not forget to fetch your self with information and knowledge which will encourage you but will also help you understand more about your goals.
The books and web sites that are relevant to your goal is a good start. If for example you want to succeed in sales, you would be watching on seminars related to sales.
Get inspiration
Even when you feel your batteries empty, there are thousands of articles and books that can encourage you to remain focused on your goal. The enthusiasm of people who have achieved their goals, are important for you to maintain your own enthusiasm at high levels!
It is a great personal success if you cannot treat successful people competitive but if you can start thinking positive and see them as examples and as sources of knowledge that will help your personal improvement and success.
The biggest mistake is to think that nobody has to offer you anything and that you know everything. Those who are successful have done something better than you, so learn from them and try to improve your defects.
Avoid people with negative thinking
Many of you might have never thought about it, but most often the people who surround you or the people who consort with you can unconsciously and consciously make you fail your goals.
If your environment consists mainly of negative people who are not thinking positive and are not trying for anything and who believe that everything is in vain and life is in a path doomed to failure … will certainly have an impact in your effort to meet your goals.
Why? Because such people simply discourage you, can make you tired psychologically and can «suck» all the positive power from your soul.
Conversely, if you are close to cheerful, optimistic and positive thinkers who always look on the positive side of life and encourage you, then your objectives can be achieved more easily! Do not share your goals and your dreams with the wrong people because you will be disappointed with the cynicism and their attitude!
Share your goals with people who will understand and support you or who may have similar goals with you. With these people you can exchange experiences and knowledge and support each other even in moments of weakness or difficulty. If you want to achieve a goal you need socialize with people who have similar objectives and culture similar to yours: the culture of positive thinkers, the culture of success!
Feel good and care about your self
Another important success factor is how you naturally feel about your self. Do you feel good with your self or do you avoid the mirror? Do you take care of your looks, clothes, weight, cleaning or you do not have time to deal with this?
Let’s see the issue differently, if you had achieved your goals how would you deal with these things? Same as now or different? If the answer to that question is «different» then you have from now to start thinking that you have achieved your goals and start taking care and look after your self.
You should feel that you are on the road to success and if you think and believe that you are successful, and behave like one, then you are closer to becoming successful!
Prepare your self for your success
Take for example the manager of a company that has the ambition to go higher. Have you noticed that most of the time (there are exceptions) managers are always wearing nice and clean clothes and shoes, have trimmed hair, have self confidence and generally can be distinguished on the way they look?
If your goal is to become one of them, then the time has come to begin to dress and behave in this way. If your goal is to lose weight you should start from now to take care of your neglected self until you reach your goal: you can wear comfortably but not 5 numbers larger clothes, you can buy narrow pants that you will wear once you become slimmer, you can make a new haircut or buy better shoes.
All are in our minds! This is another example of how positive thinking can help you visualize your success. If you can create the right image in your minds then you start to behave as if you have already achieved your goal.
Start NOW
On vital step in achieving your goals is to be able to manage and defeat your tendency to postpone it until tomorrow, the day after tomorrow…. On Monday, perhaps? The procrastination shows apart from weakness in your character, also inability to commit to your goals.
If you really want to achieve something then start to get it done NOW! This is the right time. Each and every move, each and every step, each and every thought should lead you to your goals. If you plan to do diet from «tomorrow», then you should get rid of all those nice sweets you eat now and start your diet from now, this time, otherwise, you will never start! You should recognize what is the first move that will lead you to your goal and to do it NOW.
The success of our goals is associated with the effort, time and the faith that we devote to them. The effort is usually the result of will based on incentives that lead us in the desire to achieve our goals.
We should not despair, we should not give up, we should believe in our selves and also believe that is simply a matter of time to achieve what we have dreamed off. If we betray our objective, it will betray us back!
Let us not focus on difficulties that we will encounter on the way but let us focus on how much we will be pleased with our victory – whatever that is. The positive thinking will soon lead us to the desired results. If we keep the flame on you will be able to achieve everything that will make you happy and confident.
The time has come to make our largest desire and biggest dream a reality … and the only thing that can stop us from doing so is our self! Good luck!