From an early age we tend to form a personal self-image i.e. an opinion about who we are, our strengths and weaknesses. It appears that an important part in shaping our self-image has to do with the interactions with people around us and also the experiences we encounter in our life. What we believe about ourselves affects what we call self-esteem.
Self-esteem is nothing else than a set of feelings about ourselves. Do we feel we are deserved, accepted and loved by those around us? Do we accept, love and evaluate ourselves as important?
People with low self-esteem do not believe in their abilities. They believe that they are less important than those around them and generally have the opinion that they are not capable of anything.
It’s not always easy is to understand in which of the two categories you belong. Here are some thoughts and behaviors that characterize people with low self-esteem. Do you belong in that group?
Can you accept compliments comfortably?
When someone makes a compliment about you, do you accept it feeling that you really deserve it or do you say “Yeah, right! or ‘Anyone could do it.”
Can you express and trust your opinion?
When you’ve got something important to say in a conversation do you take your turn and speak loud and clear? While you are talking do you keep an eye contact with the other people or do you have your head turned down?
Do you sit in the front row?
When you get into a room for the first time, do you choose to sit in the front seats? Usually, people who choose to stand on the edge of the room or in the back seats they want to go unnoticed. This is a characteristic of people with low self-esteem.
The chief judge of yourself is your own self.
Can you accept bad criticism from those around you? Do you have the courage to admit your mistakes, and purity of mind not to confuse failure in a specific area with your value as a person? Moreover, can you understand that a portion of the comments made by someone are not representative of the opinion all people have about you?
Do you accept your own uniqueness?
You may wish to be taller, shorter, slimmer, more social, and less impulsive. However, when you ask the question: “Who am I”? Do you answer: “I have a unique personality capable of evolving and constantly improving.”?
Walking fast and looking ahead.
Even after a long day, you maintain a good posture of your body, without slouching or lowering your look. You have many places to go, several people to meet and your program is filled with various activities.
You know that no one is “perfect”
Are you trying to achieve the goals you set, drawing satisfaction from yourself?
Are you optimistic and a positive thinker?
Rather than been overwhelm by negative thoughts such as “I’m stupid” or “I would never do it ‘, you make optimistic thoughts about yourself and even in the most difficult situation you can identify the positive side?
Do you have a personal style?
Do you dare to wear bright color clothes, go against what fashion dictates and generally try to give your own personal style to your appearance. Sure, what we wear does not define the person but when you feel good emotionally and mentally this is reflected in our outer image!
Do you care about yourself?
Do you eat healthy; engage in sports and in general care about your body and looks? Do you truly believe that confidence and true beauty comes from within you? You know who you are and what you deserve!
Everyone at some point in their life feel that their self-esteem is reduced and we need our people to encourage us and to boost our morale. The good thing is that the image we have about ourselves changes over the years, the levels of self-esteem can be improved, provided of course, we want to improve!